O du lieber Augustin

Apropos of pandemics, today a post is about a Viennese song that has quite the history to it. It was written by Marx Augustin in 1679. He was a popular singer, bagpiper, humorist, and all around entertainer during the time of the plague.  The legend states that he enjoyed his drinking. He blacked out in the street and was found by a body collector and mistaken for dead. He, along with his bagpipes, were tossed in a mass plague grave. Upon waking up, he had some trouble getting out and decided to play some tunes, because that brought him joy. He came up with this tune. The townspeople heard him and helped him escape. Ultimately, despite being amongst the plague-ridden corpses, he remained healthy. He remains a symbol of hope to the Viennese to this day. Other songs that you have likely encountered are derived from this song, such as “Did You Ever See a Lassie” and “Hail to the Bus Driver”. 

Here is a traditional version of the song:

Also, during this COVID-19 quarantine, Albin Paulus has decided to record a different version of the song each day. Catch them all at this link:

Others have even joined in the fun:


Here are the lyrics in both languages:

Ach, du lieber Augustin,
Augustin, Augustin,
Ach, du lieber Augustin,
Alles ist hin! 

Geld ist weg, Mensch ist weg,
Alles hin, Augustin!
Ach, du lieber Augustin,
Alles ist hin! 


Rock ist weg, Stock ist weg,
Augustin liegt im Dreck.
Ach, du lieber Augustin,
Alles ist hin! 


Und selbst das reiche Wien,
Hin ist's wie Augustin;
Weint mit mir im gleichen Sinn,
Alles ist hin! 


Jeder Tag war ein Fest,
Und was jetzt? Pest, die Pest!
Nur ein großes Leichenfest,
Das ist der Rest. 


Augustin, Augustin,
Leg' nur ins Grab dich hin!
Ach, du lieber Augustin,
Alles ist hin!


Oh, my dear Augustine
Augustine, Augustine,
Oh, my dear Augustine,
Everything's gone! 

Money's gone, man is gone,
Everything's gone, Augustine!
Oh, my dear Augustine,
Everything's gone! 


Coat is gone, floor is gone,
Augustine lies in the mud.
Oh, my dear Augustine,
Everything's gone!


Even rich Vienna,
Is broke, like Augustine
And cries with me the same way,
Everything's gone! 


Every day was a feast,
And now what? Plague, the plague!
Now all the corpses feast.
This is all that remains. 


Augustine, Augustine,
Lay down in your grave!
Oh, my dear Augustine,
Everything's gone!

So remember to find joy even during the hard times and embrace your creativity. Never lose hope. And remember to support local and independent artists and businesses during this whole strange time.
Peace and love! Be well, Cape Canaveral!


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