
A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of a single stanza, an AABBA rhyme scheme.  This means that the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme; and the third and fourth lines rhyme.  Generally, the first, second, and fifth lines are longer.  Limericks are well-known for their highly rhythmic patterns.  Most people have heard limericks in their lifetimes, unfortunately, the subjects are often vulgar but humorous.  Although "Limerick" is a town in Ireland, it is thought that this type of poem was created in England (and named after the Irish town).

I have decided to write a few limericks to to demonstrate.  These are inspired by the City's actions to help flatten the curve and protect everyone, locals and tourists alike, from COVID-19.  The City has taken such wonderful steps as closing beach parking, encouraging staying at home, and supporting local businesses by encouraging curb-side pick up and take-out.  As a thank you, these poems are dedicated to the City personnel who work so hard to keep everyone as low risk as possible.

The amazing thing is that all of the precautions are working.  For instance, Cape Canaveral has less that five positive cases of COVID-19, compared to 315 cases throughout Brevard, and 38,828 cases in Florida (as of May 8, 2020).  The decisions made by the City are difficult, but it is clear that they make them with the interest of the citizens in mind.  Even NASA, one of the major employers for for folks in the area, are making these types of decisions.  NASA is encouraging people to livestream or watch on television the upcoming launches instead of coming to see them in person.  NASA is ensuring that it is getting plenty of technology and support to allow for this type of viewing.  This type of caution does not just protect one person, but all.  It is similar to the masks we all should wear, it protects oneself somewhat, but it protects others far more.  If we all do small things like social distancing, wearing masks, and not parking in congested areas near the beach, we can slow the spread.  Congrats to the City of Cape Canaveral for having similar interests in preserving the health of all of us.      

With that, limericks are a fun form of poetry to write.  Come up with a subject, write five lines, and create your very own limerick!  These are four limericks I have written to use as examples.  Happy writing!

Let us not encourage the spread
Use reason and think with our heads
Let’s not danger create
By opening the gate
Science and data should not be misread

In the masks that we all should wear
To protect each other and show we care
Respect everyone’s health
Tourists, neighbors, and self
We are safer at home than elsewhere

Our city puts citizens first
To keep the spread from getting worse
Beach parking is closed
Minor hardship imposed
As we strive to flatten the curve

There’s no cars at the end of the street
Social distance of at least ten feet
We love our friends but now’s not the time
To risk safety while the rates climb
We can wait until it’s safer to meet


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